Tuesday, 30 August 2011


First Year Mental Health Placement
My first mental health placement as an occupational therapy student was a within the placement. The occupational therapist along with other health professionals ran an occupational based programme based on groups such as swimming, life skills, walking, community integration, cooking etc. The mental health individual would participate in the groups that were meaningful and purposeful to them. I remember working alongside a client whose mood would automatically be enhanced when they went in the swimming group. This shows how we can use meaningful occupations to influence and cope with our mental health well being.

Third Year Mental Health Placement
When I started my second mental health placement, I had more knowledge, experience and skill within this area and therefore portrayed this within the placement. I remember one Friday afternoon; I was getting everyone ready to head out to the pool for the swimming group. However, none of the clients had any interest in going swimming. Therefore, instead of pressuring them to come along, I decided to ask them what they would like to do for the afternoon activity. They all collaborated with each other and decided to take the rugby ball out onto the field and have passes, and a kick the ball around. They all had a good time, sharing laughter, interacting with each other, and demonstrating their skills and abilities to themselves and others. Through the use of the clients participating in occupation that was meaningful to them, we were able to gain so many benefits from this experience such as social interaction, sense of self worth, their potential and competency, enhancing mood etc. Therefore, we can identify the importance meaningful occupation has on an individual’s health and well being, as if they went swimming, then I wouldn’t have received the same results or effectiveness as an outcome. This shows the importance of using client centeredness in providing the client with the choice, power and right in regards to their treatment and intervention; within this case occupation. This also demonstrates the effect meaningful occupation has on an individuals motivation and initiating engagement in occupations.

ACTIVITY: Now fellow occupational therapists and occupational therapy students, tell me about your placement and work experience (within ethical consideration) and how you have used meaningful occupation to facilitate an individual recovery?

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